Application for FAA Certificate Based on a Foreign License

Validation Process for a U.S. License (§61.75)

The process of obtaining an FAA certificate based on a foreign license (§61.75) involves two main stages.

Stage 1: Form Submission and Approval

1. Form 8060-71 Submission: We will complete and submit FAA Form 8060-71 to the FAA to initiate the approval process for recognizing your foreign license.

2. Approval Duration: This process can take between two weeks to three months. The variation in duration is due to the FAA needing to verify the validity of your license and medical certificate with your national Civil Aviation Authority (CAA). For Ukrainian license holders, this verification typically takes around 2-3 weeks.

Stage 2: Verification Letter and Interview

1. Verification Letter: Once the national license verification is complete, we will receive a verification letter from the FAA. This letter signifies that you are eligible for an in-person interview with an FAA examiner. The verification letter is valid for six months.

2. FAA Interview: After receiving the verification letter, you will have an interview with an FAA Designated Pilot Examiner (DPE) to complete the application process. This interview usually lasts a few minutes and is conducted remotely via WhatsApp. All candidates will be notified in advance of the date and method of the interview, as well as the required documents to be submitted beforehand.

3. English Proficiency: Basic knowledge of English is required to successfully pass the interview.

Important Information

- Regardless of the level of your national license, this procedure grants you the privileges of a private FAA pilot with SEP and MEP class ratings, without recognition of an instrument rating even if it is present in your national license.

- Cost: $1300

To start the license validation process, please fill out the form below and make the payment.

Contact Information

- For questions, contact us at: +380951459773

- If you already have an approval letter from the FAA or wish to submit Form 8060-71 yourself but still want to conduct the interview with our examiner, contact us at

Get started now to validate your license and take the next step in your aviation career!

FAA Foreign Verification form
Укажите полностью имя и фамилию в точности как в лицензии
Номер телефона по которому с вами можно связаться
Дата рождения
Укажите гражданство
Место рождения как указано в паспорте для выезда за границу
Страна рождения
Страна которая выдала лицензию
Номер лицензии полностью
License Level
Выберете уровень лицензии
Пожалуйста, выберите рейтинг (ы), указанный в вашей лицензии. Например: SEPL(A)
Is the foreign license under an order of revocation or suspension?
Подана ли лицензия на отзыв или приостановление действия?
Do you have a current medical certificate?
Есть ли у Вас текущий медицинский сертификат?
Дата окончания действия медицинского сертификата
Upload License and Medical
Загрузите лицевую и обратную страницы вашей лицензии и медицинского сертификата.
Upload Passport
Загрузите первую страницу паспорта для выезда за границу
Upload a selfie with your passport
Загрузите селфи с паспортом в руке
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Вес в фунтах (1 кг = 2,2 фунта)
Рост в дюймах (1см = 0,39 дюйма)
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